Answered By: Elina Puckett Last Updated: Jan 18, 2024 Views: 52
The library owns a few volumes of the Mental Measurements Yearbooks that provide descriptions of various questionnaires and other instruments used in research, as well as professional evaluative reviews of these instruments. Each volume provides descriptive information, critical reviews, psychometric properties, and references related to their construction, validity, or use in various settings. This should help you get a sense of whether a specific survey is a good fit for your project. Mental Measurements Yearbooks can be found on the shelves of the McMillen Library in Fort Wayne. We can also help you identify a tool and scan information about it if you are not on campus.
If you know which tool you are interested in you can view previous Indiana Tech dissertations where the student used such an instrument or cited the manual. You would use ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global to search for dissertations. For example, the following keyword phrase would retrieve dissertations that utilized the "Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ)":
"multifactor leadership" AND "Indiana Institute of Technology"
If you don't know the exact name of the test or measure but just want to see what is available, your search string may look like this:
"ethical leadership" AND (test or measure or survey or scale or instrument or questionnaire)
Below is a dissertation that provides a good example of a doctoral student who used the MLQ:
Relationship Between Leadership Styles and Total Quality Management in Chemical Manufacturing Companies in India and the United States
*Note that in their Instrumentation section, the student clarified that the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire was used with permission.
Additionally, you can search other library databases for peer-reviewed journal articles that may contain the tests/instruments you are looking for. See the example search in EBSCO databases below (* make sure you limit your search to scholarly /peer-reviewed articles):
While McMillen Library can help you identify appropriate instruments, we do not have access to the surveys, manuals, or scoring guides necessary to implement the instrument. Typically there is a fee for the manual and a licensing fee to administer the instrument to your study participants. You can find that information on the questionnaire publisher's website.