A Mergent database is a good resource to find information about a company's history, financials, strengths, and other key factors. Click the "Annual Reports" tab and read their most recent annual report to find out what progress or setbacks the company has faced lately.
You can find more information under the Business Databases section. Start at the McMillen Library homepage and click "Databases by Subject" in the QUICK LINKS section. Click "Business". 'Business Source Complete (EBSCO)' and 'ProQuest One Business (ProQuest)' are the two databases to explore. In EBSCO, type in your company's name and then use the drop-down menu to select "CO Company Entity" and click SEARCH.
In ProQuest, click the link for "Advanced Search" and select "Document title -- TI" from the drop-down menu to get 6,117 results with your company in the article's title. Click "Modify Search" and add another descriptive keyword in the second search box to refine your results.